Ontario Anglican churches will reopen in stages

The Anglican Church of Canada’s Ontario parishes will be reopening in colour coded phases.

Red: Buildings shut for congregational worship. This will be the case until September.
Amber: Open with masks encouraged, no congregational singing, continued physical distancing, Communion with bread only.
Green: Back to normal – more or less.
Black: Parish closes due to lack of interest. OK, I admit I made that one up.

Read the whole thing here:

Ontario House of Bishops complains about Lambeth same-sex spouse ban

The Ontario House of Bishops claims in the letter below that a “diversity of theological positions” lurks somewhere in its midst, ready to spring out and surprise everyone. To demonstrate this diversity, the bishops are all making the same point by signing a letter complaining that Bishop Kevin Robertson’s husband… wife?  let’s stick to the nondescript “spouse” has not been invited to Lambeth 2020.

Here is the diverse bunch, including, on the right, Michael Bird even though he is an ex-bishop. You will notice in the very centre is what appears to be a robotic bishop from whom, I suspect, flow all the deeper nuances of theological diversity that were used to program the drones surrounding it:

And here is the letter: