Before we get started, I’d like to point out that Bishop James Cowan found time to hobnob with Prince Charles today, so he probably
doesn’t much care that his parishioner-peasants don’t trust him; after all the important thing is keeping up appearances – and he is wearing a lovely hat.
The Diocese of BC is in trouble financially as its members flee to churches that are less diverse and inclusive. Because of this, when he’s not schmoozing with Royalty, James Cowan is planning on “restructuring” the diocese – and as everyone who works in business knows, that means someone is for the chop.
Thus, a team of hit-men cleverly concealed behind some randomly chosen acronyms – DMRT/DMIRT/DCDT – are visiting parishes to determine whether to terminate them. It seems that parishioners have caught wind of what is afoot, though:
First we have Indaba Resistance:
He then distributed five questions, and suggested we break into small groups and discuss the questions. A number of people objected to “more small-group stuff.” There was strong resistance to small-group discussion. (Comment: “We’re small-grouped to death and nothing ever comes of it.”) There was anger expressed by people who did not want to discuss “another bunch of irrelevant questions.”
Followed by Process Resistance:
The Rev. Michael Wimmer suggested we be given the opportunity to talk about our emotions and responses to the material that had been sent out to us. He suggested that “We ought to have been consulted about the process in which we are asked to participate.” Mrs. Doreen Huston said we have all been talking in small groups amongst ourselves, ever since this information was circulated, “but at least let us get those big things out in the open, first” so that once we have expressed our feelings, we can then go and talk about the process.
Garnished with Listening Process Resistance
Someone got up and asked that the DCDT listen to the complaints about what is going on in the diocese with regard to all these papers that tell us we aren’t doing enough. The general feeling was that we were not listened to.
And after a Forced Indaba session, Outright Rebellion:
When the small groups reported back, there was a great deal of dissatisfaction expressed about the DCDT process. Comments were made such as “We don’t trust anyone at the Synod Office any more. We’re sorry to say this, but we don’t trust the Bishop any more, either.”
I wonder what Prince Charles would make of it all.
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