Anglican Bishop uses his Christmas sermon to denounce bankers

And why not? After all, why go on about the Incarnation, God in the flesh come to earth to redeem mankind, when you can complain about greedy bankers instead.

From here:

Churchgoers will be urged to fight back against a “brutalised society” in the wake of wide-spread government cuts by Lancashire’s Anglican bishop.

His sermon will say: “Perhaps it will need to be the note of anger in Our Lord’s voice that we hear, and proclaim, in the coming year as we raise legitimate Christian protest on behalf of those losing their jobs, seeing their public services undermined, their hopes for higher education jeopardised, or their fears realised through the creation of what increasingly seems like a less caring, more brutalised society, and where vast bonuses form the contemptuous retort to any mention of restraint, and the black economy of the super-tax dodger is seen as a legitimate moral code.”

During the speech, Rt Rev Reade will also attack bankers who he compares to Roman Imperial leaders.

UK: Islamists launch “Christmas is evil” campaign

Apparently it’s a Muslim version of evangelism: win people to Islam by mocking Christmas and insulting Christians. That should work.

From here:

Fanatics from a banned Islamic hate group have launched a nationwide poster campaign denouncing Christmas as evil.

Organisers plan to put up thousands of placards around the UK claiming the season of goodwill is responsible for rape, teenage pregnancies, abortion, promiscuity, crime and paedophilia.

They hope the campaign will help ‘destroy Christmas’ in this country and lead to Britons converting to Islam instead…..

The placards, which have already appeared in parts of London, feature an apparently festive scene with an image of the Star of Bethlehem over a Christmas tree.

But under a banner announcing ‘the evils of Christmas’ it features a message mocking the song the 12 Days of Christmas.

It reads: ‘On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me an STD (sexually transmitted disease).

‘On the second day debt, on the third rape, the fourth teenage pregnancies and then there was abortion.’

According to the posters, Christmas is also to responsible for paganism, domestic violence, homelessness, vandalism, alcohol and drugs.

Another offence of Christmas, it proclaims, is ‘claiming God has a son’…..

The campaign’s organiser is 27-year-old Abu Rumaysah, who once called for Sharia Law in Britain at a press conference held by hate preacher leader Anjem Choudary, the leader of militant group Islam4UK.

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas Abortion

Planned Parenthood is selling abortion promoting Christmas cards. No doubt they would have advised aborting the baby Jesus: after all, his mother was obviously mentally unstable – she thought she was a Virgin.

From here:

Quick quiz. Tell us what comes to mind when someone says Christmas: The Christ child and the Virgin Mary maybe? Santa and his reindeer? Abortion? If you nodded at all three, you must be one of the whacked out Americans who will be buying their holiday cards from Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania this year, the one place you can find “Choice on Earth” cards for sale for the holiday season.

A murderous White House Christmas

The White House Christmas tree has a Christmas ornament with a picture of Mao Zedong on it. I’m not sure exactly what it takes to rate a mugshot on the White House Christmas Tree, but Mao earned it by murdering around 50 million of his own people; next year, for a more inclusive Christmas, there will also be Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot Christmas ornaments.

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What is wrong with this picture

First we have this:

Children as young as five should be taught to understand the pleasures of gay sex, according to leaders of a taxpayer-funded education project.

Heads of the project have set themselves a goal of ‘creating primary classrooms where queer sexualities are affirmed and celebrated’.

The ambition was revealed in documents prepared for the No Outsiders project run by researchers from universities and backed with £600,000 of public money provided by the Economic and Social Research Council.


The government announced today that sex education will become compulsory for all schools, including lessons on gay relationships and sexually transmitted infections such as HIV.

Teaching will begin from the age of five. Primary school children will learn about their bodies and puberty, along with marriages, divorces and civil partnerships.

And then this:

A devout Christian teacher has lost her job after discussing her faith with a mother and her sick child and offering to pray for them.

Olive Jones, a 54-year-old mother of two, who taught maths to children too ill to attend school, was dismissed following a complaint from the girl’s mother. She was visiting the home of the child when she spoke about her belief in miracles and asked whether  she could say a prayer, but when the mother indicated they were not believers she did not go ahead.

Mrs Jones was then called in by her managers who, she says, told her that sharing her faith with a child could be deemed to be bullying and informed her that her services were no longer required.

Allowed: Compulsory gay sex education for 5 year olds.

Not allowed: Offering to pray for a sick child.

Perhaps Olive Jones should have claimed she was praying for a spirit of gayness to fall upon the child.