First of all, though, here are a couple – selected from thousands – of Christian charities that flourish at Christmas:
Angel Tree:
Angel Tree is a ministry of Prison Fellowship, delivering love in the form of Christmas gifts and a message of hope to children of prisoners. Angel Tree Christmas connects the parents in prison with their children through the delivery of Christmas gifts by local church volunteers who purchase and deliver these gifts and the gospel to children.
Operation Christmas Child:
Operation Christmas Child invites you to pack a shoe box with small toys, school supplies, other gifts, and a personal note to introduce a hurting child to God’s love. The small gifts of love and messages of hope through Jesus Christ are delivered to needy children overseas.
Here are a couple of examples of the good works over which atheists have laboured for Christmas:
Atheist Nativity sign:
The [atheist] group wants to place a sign that reads:
“At this season of the Winter Solstice, let reason prevail. There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell. There is only our natural world. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds.”Atheists Attempt to Ruin Christmas:
For the first time in the history of Christmas at Palisades Park there were 13 individuals that entered the race for the 21 spaces available rather than the usual three. The unusually high demand for spots, especially by atheists, has sparked Santa Monica’s City Hall to implement a random lottery system to determine who would have access to the spots.That process left the Santa Monica Nativity Committee with only two spaces on which they can put up only three of the usual 14 scenes. The lottery system that was used gave atheists a majority of the available spaces.
Notice any difference?