China offers half price abortions for children

Just show your student i.d. and receive 50% off your first abortion:

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The ad says this:

Students are our future, but when something happens to them, who will help and protect them? Chongqing Huaxi Women’s Hospital has started Students Care Month, where those students who come to get an abortion can get 50% off if they show their student ids. Abortion surgeries are the most advanced in the world, won’t stretch (your womb), won’t hurt, it’s quick, and you can do what you want afterward, it won’t affect your studies or your work.

This non-womb stretching offer is reminiscent of sleazy trade show hucksters peddling everything from spray-on hair to cloths capable of sucking up much of lake Ontario. Such is the march of progress in this socialist utopia:  from compulsory abortions after a family has two children, to the quick and painless 50% off abortion for those with student ids.

The hubris of the abortionist

We live in an age when authority gets no respect: I would be the first to confess that I am a child of my times and slide with alacrity into an easy iconoclasm. After becoming a Christian, though, it did occur to me that God, if he chose, could blink and blot out the entire universe: he is in charge, I am not. This means he is the arbiter of who shall live or die.

This abortion enthusiast delights in sitting in judgement on a hastily constructed, mediocre, anthropomorphic god:

In a recent press release David Bereit, national director of 40 Days for Life, said, “With abortion advocates trying to exploit the current health care reform debate to mandate taxpayer funding of abortion. We are incredibly encouraged to see record numbers of people in cities across America willing to take a stand by participating in 40 Days for Life to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves and seek God’s protection for innocent children in the womb — and mothers — at risk of abortion. “ Does this mean God will put his abortion practice on hold for 40 days?

According to, “Approximately 20 percent or 1 in 5 pregnancies end in miscarriage, and often a cause is never found.” That’s one too many. God doesn’t ask parents if they want to keep their baby or not, he just does it. How does that work? At least when a couple or mother decides to have an abortion they have a reason for it, and it is their choice.

If you ask someone who deeply believes in God their answer will be, “God did it for a reason.” Seems like the only good thing that comes out of miscarriage is money made by doctors and counselors – capitalism at work!

The life of man is in God’s hands; if He chooses to take some individuals to live with Him for all eternity in joys which are beyond our present understanding, that is up to him. If we choose to do it, it is murder.

An abortionist who needs a new PR man

LeRoy Carhart, a practitioner and advocate of late term abortions is sprucing up his clinic – a literal example of a whited sepulchre – and is in dire need of rather more articulate and reasonable employees.

Here is an exchange between a pro-life protester and one of Carhart’s minions:

The abortion mentor

After George Tiller’s murder, LeRoy Carhart is one of the few remaining doctors in the US who are willing to do late term abortions. According to Newsweek, he is eager to train other doctors in his grisly trade:

The Abortion Evangelist.
LeRoy Carhart is determined to train as many late-term-abortion providers as possible—or the practice just might die with him.

In the wake of Tiller’s assassination, Carhart began offering late-term abortions in his own practice—before, he’d done so only at Tiller’s Wichita clinic—and started planning a new late-term clinic to replace Tiller’s, where he could see women in the late second and early third trimesters. He’s fielded calls from three physicians who want to learn how to do abortions. Two have already begun training. “I think the only thing I can do…is just train as many doctors as I can to go out on their own and provide abortions and get enough people providing them,” says Carhart. “That makes [the anti-abortion activist’s] job 10 times harder because there are now 10 times more of us.”

In case anyone thinks that what Carhart is doing to make money is not murder, read what he himself says about it:

•  “I know that the fetus is alive during the process most of the time because I can see fetal heartbeat on the ultrasound… I think brain death would occur because the suctioning to remove contents is only two or three seconds. So somewhere in that period of time—obviously not when you penetrate the skull, because people get shot in the head and they don’t die immediately from that, if they are going to die at all—so that probably is not sufficient to kill the fetus. But I think removing the brain contents eventually will… My intent in every abortion I have ever done is to kill the fetus and terminate the pregnancy.”
-LeRoy Carhart, testifying under oath in 1997 about what he does to facilitate abortion, quoted in the Asheville Tribune.

• “The fetus, in many cases, dies just as a human adult or child would: it bleeds to death as it is torn from limb to limb… The fetus can be alive at the beginning of the dismemberment process and can survive for a time while its limbs are being torn off.”
-LeRoy Carhart, as quoted by Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy in Carhart v. Stenberg

• “This act covers every D&E [dilation and evacuation] that I did. Everything that I do to cause an abortion is an overt act. . . The fetuses are alive at the time of delivery. [There is a heartbeat] very frequently.”
-LeRoy Carhart, testifying under oath that language in the partial-birth abortion ban act bans more than just partial-birth abortion, Carhart v. Ashcroft (April 1, 2004).

• “Well, I was telling Ms. Smith at lunch today that we’re talking about a fetus that’s not only been dead for 48 hours, but we’re talking about a fetus that has been dead for 48 hours in essentially a warming oven or crock pot. It has been kept at a hundred degrees for 48 hours. And that’s enough temperature to cook meat. So we are not only dealing with a fetus that has been dead in my practice, we are dealing with a fetus that’s both dead and soft—so it’s much more pliable.”
-LeRoy Carhart, testifying under oath on the safety of his abortion methods, in a deposition taken for Carhart v. Ashcroft, April 1, 2004.

• Carhart said at least once a month, an entire fetus is expelled from the mother during a D&E he is performing. “The fetuses are alive at the time of delivery,” he said. There is a heartbeat “very frequently.”
-LeRoy Carhart, The Associated Press, April 1, 2004, “Doctor: Law Would Outlaw Many Abortions”

Does a civilisation that tolerates something so monstrous deserve to survive? No.

Bill 34 threatens Morgentaler abortion clinic

Anything that has the potential for closing down a Morgentaler abattoir  is a good thing:

MONTREAL – Opened illegally in Montreal in 1969, Dr. Henry Morgentaler’s first abortion clinic could shut down as early as next month. The threat of closing is not coming from anti-abortion protesters, who have targeted the clinic for 40 years, but from a Quebec law that will govern how special medical clinics provide services.

“It’s terribly sad. We still have to fight,” physician Francine Léger, the clinic’s interim director, said Monday.

Bill 34, which was adopted by the National Assembly in the spring, says abortion clinics must adhere to the same guidelines as specialized medical clinics that provide such procedures as cataract and knee surgery.

That means they have to set up separate sterile operating rooms as opposed to simply sterilizing surgical equipment.

Two other abortion clinics – Fémina and Alternative – face the same fate when Bill 34 goes into effect Sept. 30.

About 30,000 women seek abortions annually in Quebec – 15,000 in Montreal – and about one-third are performed in private clinics, which bill the government.

The closings will affect about 100 women a week, who will need to find a new place to terminate their pregnancies.

It will also affect 100 babies a week: they won’t be murdered in the Morgentaler abortion factory.

Morgentaler believes he deserved the order of Canada because he worked tirelessly for women’s reproductive rights:

“I can think of no one who has worked harder on behalf of women’s reproductive choice and women’s reproductive rights than Dr. Henry Morgentaler since the … late 1960s,” she said.

Reproductive rights – a concept now enshrined in a UN declaration – on the face of it, appears to be a statement of support for women to have babies – as many as they would like without state interference or disapprobation from eco-nuts who believe that it is un-green to reproduce. But no, in the never ending crusade to conceal  diablerie in the innocuous, the meaning of reproductive rights is just the opposite: it’s the right to kill babies.

Sadly, in our cultural climate of obeisance to Moloch, it is probably too much to hope that Bill 34 will actually make much difference.

Ann Coulter on the Tiller murder

On the Bill O’Reilly show tonight Ann Coulter made one of her characteristically outrageous comments.

In discussing George Tiller’s murder she said something to the effect that, although she personally was against killing abortionists she didn’t want to impose her morality on others. Before anyone gets excited, she probably didn’t mean it – but it does make the interesting point that when the left says this, we have become so used to it that it no longer registers as something that is utterly illogical.

The celebrity abortionist

Every day in the USA there are:

45 murders

3,500 abortions

134 deaths by traffic accident

1,200 deaths caused by smoking

13 deaths due to heroin overdose

And this year so far:
1 abortionist murdered.

Even though George Tiller’s murder was wrong, why is it getting all this attention? Rev. Katherine Ragsdale calls him a “saint and a martyr “, Katherine Jefferts-Schori allocates a moment of hand-wringing, Keith Olbermann says it is all Fox News’s fault.

What sort of society have we made for ourselves when the one murder of 2009 that garners such disproportionate attention from news media, pundits and churches is that of a man who made his living by killing babies. For all the cries of horror and outrage, Tiller’s murder was no worse than the 44 others that occurred on May 31, 2009.

The murder of an abortionist

From the National Post

A Kansas doctor who was a controversial provider of so-called “late-term” abortions was shot and killed at his church on Sunday, local media reported.

The Wichita Eagle newspaper reported that 67-year-old George Tiller, a longtime target of anti-abortion activists, was shot to death as he walked into services at at Reformation Lutheran Church.

Police are searching for a white male who fled the scene after shooting Tiller with a handgun, local media reported.

Local television station KAKE said on its website that sources close to the investigation and the doctor confirmed that Tiller was pronounced dead at the scene shortly after emergency crews arrived.

Police Captain Brent Allred did not name the victim, but he classified the case as high-profile and said the victim has been the target of violence in the past, the station said.

Tiller’s clinic in Wichita has been the site of mass protests by anti-abortion groups and was bombed in 1985. Tiller was shot and wounded by an abortion opponent in 1993.

Abortions are generally considered late-term when they are performed after the 20th week of gestation on fetuses potentially old enough to survive outside the womb.

Since I believe life starts at conception, I also believe that abortion is the killing of an innocent human and is, therefore, wrong; a late term abortion is the most grisly and evil variety of abortion, since the baby is sometimes born alive and then killed or left to die and – even for those who do not believe that life starts at conception – is very clearly a baby.

So when a supposed doctor who performs late term abortions is murdered, how should Christians react?

From the perspective of executing temporal justice it is necessary to render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s: it seems clear that only the state should mete out justice – particularly lethal justice. So the killer of George Tiller will have to face the penalty for doing what he probably believed the state should have done for him.

From a Christian perspective, even though Tiller’s killer will have to face state justice, could his action still be ethically justified? Some Christian pro-life advocates would claim that no life can legitimately be taken so their answer would be “no”; they see this as a mark of consistency. First, I think this view is faulty in that it fails to acknowledge the state’s legitimate role in punishing the guilty – a role that has biblical support (Rom 13:3 ff) – in order to restrain evil and maintain order. Even though countries like Canada do not have the death penalty, all countries at the very least incarcerate criminals and are prepared to use lethal force to protect their citizens: a person with a pro-life view that refuses to take a life ever would not be able to live in any earthly society without hypocrisy.

Second, if it is legitimate for the state to take a life in some circumstances, can it ever be for an individual? A convincing case was made by a Christian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, for murdering Hitler on the grounds that it would ultimately save lives and be a lesser evil than allowing him to live. Could the same argument be used here for George Tiller? The murderer might have thought so, but I think not for the simple reason that others will take Tiller’s place to continue his gruesome work; were that not the case, the lesser evil argument might apply.

Obama sounds like Rowan Williams

A modern foible is to take two irreconcilable viewpoints, either of which could conceivably be correct, and pretend to synthesise them into a middle ground which almost certainly is not. This is peddled as some kind of virtue: it’s common in the Anglican Church and appears to be an Obama preoccupation:

President Obama used the controversy surrounding his Notre Dame address Sunday as a lesson on the need to bridge cultural divides in America, as he urged graduates to seek common ground on issues, like abortion, that stir passion on both sides.

What common ground could there possibly be between those who believe life begins at conception and therefore should be protected, and those who believe a foetus is a cluster of disposable cells. This apparently:

On the specific issue of abortion, Obama urged the public to at least agree that it is a “heart-wrenching” decision for any woman, and that the country should work to reduce the number of women seeking abortions by reducing unwanted pregnancies and making adoption more available.

“When we open up our hearts and our minds to those who may not think precisely like we do or believe precisely what we believe — that’s when we discover at least the possibility of common ground,” Obama said.

Rowan Williams expresses similar sentiments in trying to bring together those who agree and disagree with same-sex blessings in the Anglican Church:

The challenge is, “how can those who share that cost, that sense of profound anxiety about how to make the Gospel credible, how are they to come together for at least some measure of respect to emerge, so that they can recognize the cost that the other bears and also recognize the deep seriousness about Jesus and the Gospel that they share?”

In both cases, the common ground has nothing to do with the actual issue, but is merely the intensity with which each side holds its belief. In reality this is little more than a sleight of hand on the part of liberals to pacify the opposition while the real agenda continues unimpeded.

Both Obama and Williams have placed a higher value on attaining a bogus middle ground than on truth: it explains how the West has lost its way and how the Anglican church – hot in pursuit – has too.

Hundreds of Anglican priests in March for life in Ottawa

That was a joke.

There is a March for life in Ottawa today and 10,000 people are expected to attend. As Michael Coren observes, the media is ignoring it. What I would like to know is, since the Anglican Church of Canada is so keen on social justice, where is Fred Hiltz, Colin Johnson, or John Chapman? In fact, will any Anglican priest attend to demonstrate their support for protecting the most vulnerable members of our society?Add an Image

Today, the 12th annual March for Life will take place in Ottawa. Up to 10,000 people, half of them under the age of 25, will walk, sing and pray for an end to abortion in Canada. If past patterns are repeated, there will be hardly any mention of the event in the media — a contrast with the numerous protests a fraction of the size that tend to receive full and fulsome coverage.

There has never been any abusive or violent behaviour from the participants — though there are occasionally obscene and provocative gestures from opponents — and numerous MPs and religious and ethnic leaders will attend. The march is also intensely reflective of the authentic Canada, unlike most other demonstrations: Conservative and Liberal, able-bodied and handicapped, black and white, Muslim, Christian and Jewish, from every region and background.