Carleton University pro-life student demonstrators arrested

From here:

Jason MacDonald, Carleton’s director of communications, told LifeSiteNews that student groups are not normally permitted use of the quad for displays.  “In addition, the content of the Genocide Awareness Project has been found to be disturbing and offensive to some by the courts and human rights tribunals in other jurisdictions (BC for instance),” he wrote in an e-mail.

Apparently, the right of an adult not to be offended outweighs the right of an unborn child not to be murdered.

2 thoughts on “Carleton University pro-life student demonstrators arrested

  1. Abortionists and their defenders have been more sucessful in perpetrating their gore than any of the other mass murder monsters of the last century. And MacDonald is worried that passers-by might find it “disturbing and offensive”?


  2. And I thought universities were bastions of free-thinking intellectuals and those aspiring to pursue all sorts of alternative ideas. Foolish me!

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