Here are the five points:
- Flourishing cultures of innovation
- Outstanding leadership for ministry
- Prophetic social justice making
- Life changing worship
- Effective resource management
The only point that, on the surface, may have a tenuous connection to Christianity is “Life changing worship”. Closer inspection reveals that even that is all about the worshipper, not God, the object of worship.
These five “focus points” appear to be a collection of random clichés cobbled together from mediocre “How to run a business” seminars. It is difficult to ascribe meaning to the bishop’s apparition, but each of us may have a favourite banality upon which we would like to concentrate. Mine would be “outstanding leadership for ministry”, since it is the one component of the bishop’s chimera that is easy to fulfill: fire everyone at head office from the bishop on down – the lights could then be turned off at the Cathedral and its offices, thus fulfilling “Effective resource management“.
Once the flotsam is jettisoned from 252 James Street, the unjust lawsuits against ANiC would cease – completing point 3 – permitting ANiC to concentrate on innovation and worship – points 1 and 4. Perhaps it’s not such a bad plan after all.
1. Flourishing cultures of innovation
2. Outstanding leadership for ministry
3. Prophetic social justice making
4. Life changing worship
5. Effective resource management
Good grief. This just screams “committee resolutions” — each line equally devoid of meaning, and the words virtually interchangeable:
1. Flourishing leadership for justice making
2. Outstanding ministry of cultures
3. Effective social worship
4. Life changing innovation
5. Prophetic resource management
1. Flourishing leadership for cultures
2. Outstanding resource management
3. Effective justice making
4. Life changing social ministry
5. Prophetic innovation of worship
See what I mean? No matter how you slice & dice it, it still doesn’t mean a thing!
It’s the seed for a new parlour game. You have a stack of adjective cards, one of nouns, one of conjunctions. Shuffle each pile well. Then draw the top card of each stack and lay them out to make a phrase.
Could be the next Trivial Pursuit.