Bill 34 threatens Morgentaler abortion clinic

Anything that has the potential for closing down a Morgentaler abattoir  is a good thing:

MONTREAL – Opened illegally in Montreal in 1969, Dr. Henry Morgentaler’s first abortion clinic could shut down as early as next month. The threat of closing is not coming from anti-abortion protesters, who have targeted the clinic for 40 years, but from a Quebec law that will govern how special medical clinics provide services.

“It’s terribly sad. We still have to fight,” physician Francine Léger, the clinic’s interim director, said Monday.

Bill 34, which was adopted by the National Assembly in the spring, says abortion clinics must adhere to the same guidelines as specialized medical clinics that provide such procedures as cataract and knee surgery.

That means they have to set up separate sterile operating rooms as opposed to simply sterilizing surgical equipment.

Two other abortion clinics – Fémina and Alternative – face the same fate when Bill 34 goes into effect Sept. 30.

About 30,000 women seek abortions annually in Quebec – 15,000 in Montreal – and about one-third are performed in private clinics, which bill the government.

The closings will affect about 100 women a week, who will need to find a new place to terminate their pregnancies.

It will also affect 100 babies a week: they won’t be murdered in the Morgentaler abortion factory.

Morgentaler believes he deserved the order of Canada because he worked tirelessly for women’s reproductive rights:

“I can think of no one who has worked harder on behalf of women’s reproductive choice and women’s reproductive rights than Dr. Henry Morgentaler since the … late 1960s,” she said.

Reproductive rights – a concept now enshrined in a UN declaration – on the face of it, appears to be a statement of support for women to have babies – as many as they would like without state interference or disapprobation from eco-nuts who believe that it is un-green to reproduce. But no, in the never ending crusade to conceal  diablerie in the innocuous, the meaning of reproductive rights is just the opposite: it’s the right to kill babies.

Sadly, in our cultural climate of obeisance to Moloch, it is probably too much to hope that Bill 34 will actually make much difference.

One thought on “Bill 34 threatens Morgentaler abortion clinic

  1. The more I research this thing, the more I think the media has completely overblown the threat of these clinics closing. Something just stinks about the whole thing.

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