Beware of the Anglo-Catholics

In Brideshead Revisited, when Charles’s cousin Jasper advises him to “Beware of the Anglo-Catholics—they’re all sodomites with unpleasant accents. In fact, steer clear of all the religious groups; they do nothing but harm.”, I thought Evelyn Waugh was exercising poetic license, or at least exaggerating.

But perhaps not:

But property matters and theology are not the only stumbling blocks on the road to Rome. There is another elephant in the vestry. It is one that is not spoken about openly; it is suppressed by a potent mixture of political correctness and traditional church hypocrisy. But it’s high time it was aired. It is this: a very significant proportion, perhaps even a majority in some dioceses, of Anglo-Catholic clergy are homosexual men. Everyone with a ministry in the Church of England knows this.

Just what the Roman Catholic Church needs: more homosexual priests.

2 thoughts on “Beware of the Anglo-Catholics

  1. What utter rubbish! The proportion of homosexuals is just the same throughout the whole spectrum of Anglican churchmanship. Some even get married in the hope that they can change their spots – or at least slip under the radar.

  2. “The proportion of homosexuals is just the same throughout the whole spectrum of Anglican churchmanship.” – I take it Simon Marsh has solid, hard evidence for this assertion; he should share it with us.

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