Rodney Dunklee who tells us that the “soul is mated to the body” at the “first breath after birth” so before then the baby is not a person.
This, apparently, is Scriptural because “Genesis teaches of God’s breath of life being breathed into clay bringing Adam alive thus reinforcing the union of breathing and life.”
This means it is fine to kill a baby, not just in the womb, but after she has been born, so long as she hasn’t taken her first breath. If you are quick off the mark and don’t take an immediate liking to your new daughter, just stick the knife in before she starts inhaling. A beating heart doesn’t matter; brain activity doesn’t matter; movement doesn’t matter; only the breath matters.
And we wonder why the world thinks Christians are gullible halfwits given to crass, obscene superstitions.
From here:
In response to the letter to the editor by Louis Cascarelli (“Please support candidates opposed to abortion Nov. 3,” The Daily News, Sept. 30), who was wondering why more clergy don’t preach against abortion: It may be those who’ve studied the Bible realize the pro-life position that all abortion is sin is more conservative than some Scriptures.
I believe Psalm 139:13-15 — “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb; 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well; 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth” — is referring to one’s soul being created out of a body in the depths of the Earth.
Being knit together is a process that concludes with the soul being mated to the body and it happens with a slap on the bottom and first breath after birth. Similarly, I and many others, believe your soul leaves after your lungs settle in the last exhale of death.
Genesis teaches of God’s breath of life being breathed into clay bringing Adam alive thus reinforcing the union of breathing and life.
Just as Christians believe one moment you’re a sinner but can be instantly born again as a child of God, the Bible is filled with miraculous transformations similar to a soul binding with the flesh with one’s first breath.
Yes, a woman’s egg is alive when it begins to grow. It’s internal tissue as one’s appendix is and what happens to it should be her choice.
Once the baby starts breathing and is mated with its eternal soul, the important part to God that was created in a secret place outside the woman’s body, our current laws protect it.