The Primate starts out with this:
To seek the prosperity of Jerusalem is to seek a just and lasting peace that recognizes the rights of both Palestinians and Israelis—Christians, Jews and Muslims—in this land.
A statement that is designed to sound high-minded, right thinking – virtuous. Who, after all, doesn’t want lasting peace and justice in the Middle East?
Regrettably, it doesn’t end there. Nicholls goes on to prove a point that I’ve thought for a while: it is impossible not to take a side in the Israel-Palestinian conflict. The difference between those who take sides is this:
Those who side with Israel admit it. I am one of them because Israel, the only democratic, free, civilised country in the region, is in a conflict with a group of people who will not stop attacking it until it ceases to exist. It has an obligation to protect its citizens and it is doing so.
Those who side against Israel pretend to be impartial, but they are not. This is a deceit that becomes transparently obvious as soon as they voice their opinions. Or, if they are clerics, threaten to pray for justice.
This is the duplicitous camp into which Nicholls has placed herself. She would like us to believe she is above the conflict, an impartial ecclesiastical arbiter unmoved by bias or irrational animus: in other words, a typical liberal. But her words betray her:
Request the implementation of UN resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973), 194 (1948)
Call for an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian Territories and the end of illegal Israeli settlements
Call Israel, as an occupying power, to respect the 4th Geneva Convention
Request measures by the Palestinian Authority to reduce poverty and unemployment, and to improve services to Palestinians
Recognize the city of Jerusalem as a shared holy place for Christians, Muslims and Jews
Recognize the need for trade between Palestine and Canada
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