Read it all here:
We will be returning to our dioceses with a renewed commitment to the Lambeth Calls for Mission and Evangelism, Safe Church, Reconciliation, Human Dignity and Climate Justice as well as those Calls that will be discussed on Hospitality (Christian Unity and Interfaith relationships), and Discipleship.
The Bishops have spent a significant amount of time discussing and sharing these calls in light of our contexts. They have been at the core of the Bible studies as well as the discussions at our table groups. There has been much written in media with regard to the discussion on human dignity in particular.
We were moved by the speech of the Archbishop of Canterbury who spoke directly to the Bishops. While there is deep difference on matters of sexuality, there is a serious commitment to listening and walking together in spite of the differences to the maximum possible degree.
While in some provinces of the Communion same sex blessings/marriages have been the product of careful theological reflection and a process of reception, other provinces of the communion (and within Canada, some dioceses) maintain the traditional definition of marriage, also with careful theological reflection. The Archbishop noted that both hold to Jesus Christ and both take Scripture seriously.
The Archbishop of Canterbury made it clear that he does not have and will not seek the power to exclude or sanction provinces of the Communion who have made changes and the Lambeth I.10 resolution does not require such sanctions.
What puzzles me somewhat is the fact that Justin Welby has made it abundantly clear that the 1998 Lambeth 1.10 resolution declaring same-sex activity to be unbiblical, while still valid, is free to be completely ignored if you don’t like it.
Yet, at the same time, other Calls on Climate Justice, Christian Unity, Interfaith relationships, Reconciliation, Safe Church and so on he expects to be taken seriously. Why can’t we ignore them, too – well, to be honest I shall be expressing my defiance by turning up my air-conditioning tonight.
What exactly is the point of this conference: hundreds of bishops travelling thousands of miles in fossil fuel burning aeroplanes, spending millions of dollars to lament together about climate change and poverty.