Here it is:

Unsurprisingly, having this type of disturbing image landing in one’s mailbox has upset a number of people. This person was shocked – not so much by the fact that such an atrocity is a routine occurrence in Canada, but by the fact that she and her children were confronted with an image of it:
“I do not appreciate having filth like that put where my children can see it possibly and I don’t believe that stuff should be put in anybody’s mail box unwillingly,” said Rudachyk.
“My next-door neighbour’s five-year-old granddaughter went and got the mail yesterday, saw this thing, and promptly vomited on the floor. She was so frightened by the pictures.”
Rudachyk is among many parents who have expressed concern about their children seeing the images.
“It was very shocking. I’m not easily shocked, but it was disgusting, honestly,” Ali McIlmoyl said after finding one in her mailbox.
Someone else thinks distributing the flyer is “child abuse”, although he has failed to notice the rather more severe abuse that was visited on the unborn baby:
“As far as I’m concerned, this amounts to child abuse,” he said. “My next door neighbour’s granddaughter got the mail yesterday and when she saw it she was so traumatized, she vomited on the floor.”
I have really no idea whether the distribution of these kinds of images hurts or benefits the pro-life cause, but I find it interesting that, in an age of unfettered pornography with its gaudy images of sordid fantasy, what provokes the most disgust is drawing attention to a sordid reality.
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