From here:
Dr Ro
wan Williams has failed to quell the row over his recent comments with the announcement that he has been fully accepted into the Muslim faith. He claims to see no inconsistency with his new religion and his continuing role as the leader of the Anglican faith.
‘Both religions are saying basically the same thing,’ said Rahman Muhammed bin Williams as he now wishes to be known, ‘and I hope to bring together two aspects of these two major world faiths. So we will still have the Church of England Christingle
Jumble Sale, but instead of getting a jar of home made jam in the raffle, the winner gets to drive a car bomb into the American Embassy.’
Rowan Williams added that, in order to become a Muslim, he has had to relinquish his standing as a Celtic Druid, since Druidry conflicts with Sharia law.
Surely this is a spoof.
NewsBiscuit is a webpage for commedy writers. I know poking fun at our Anglican leaders is a survival adaption for us. But please, let’s stick with the facts. Isn’t there enough with the facts for us to parody?