Anglican Church of Canada makes provocative statements

From the headline you might be tempted to think that one of the statements is: we have decided to start preaching the Gospel.

You would be wrong.

They include things like:

Dismantle the colonial foundations of the Council of the North


Dismantle the racism and colonialism that is built into our governance structures.

There is a survey which you can fill in to throw your support behind dismantling racism, if you feel so inclined, here.

The hope is that by making some of the changes explained in the survey, the decline in ACoC  membership might be reversed.

In case that doesn’t work, one of the suggestions is to end the funding of independent journalism – the Anglican Journal. So if the decline continues, as it surely will, at least no one will know.

From here:

A primate’s commission tasked with rethinking church structures is encouraging Anglicans to provide feedback on its seven intentionally provocative statements or “hypotheses” through an online survey.

The commission, Reimagining the Church—Proclaiming the Gospel in the 21st Century, established by former primate Archbishop Linda Nicholls, first presented the hypotheses in spring to the House of Bishops and Council of General Synod, then distributed them publicly in early June, says commission chair Archdeacon Monique Stone.

The hypotheses include dismantling colonialism in the Council of the North and church governance structures; eliminating either General Synod or the ecclesiastical provinces; returning to a model where the primate is also a diocesan bishop; reducing travel and meeting costs; looking at new ways of running the national office; and ending editorially independent journalism—specifically, the Anglican Journal—funded by General Synod.

Dean Peter Elliott, a member of the commission, says the hypotheses inviting Anglicans to respond to these hypotheses appeared on the Anglican Church of Canada website in late August.

One thought on “Anglican Church of Canada makes provocative statements

  1. It’s all ideology these days with these people. The connections with the Faith of the Church Catholic spread out in time and space are so slender as to be nugatory.

    This is a ‘Church’ in which someone with real theological qualifications can hand-deliver to a bishop a gift of books costing $50.00 with a friendly note, and never get even the briefest formal acknowledgement by any medium of communication.

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