The Journal reports:
Issues of sexuality: At its last meeting, CoGS appointed a working group to recommend a process to discuss issues of sexuality. “I think…people feel the process should be driven more by conversation and discernment than by resolution and debate,” Archbishop Hiltz said.
These conversations will begin, he added, with updates from a Faith, Worship and Ministry committee as well as the Primate’s Theological Commission and the House of Bishops.
This probably means that Hiltz will use some kind of Indaba-style diversionary tactic to prevent attendees addressing the same-sex blessing problem directly: more conversation, more discernment, more listening, more slipperiness. Since a number of dioceses are already blessing same-sex unions, they will continue and others will probably follow; and Hiltz will be able to claim he has not actually given them permission. This is known as leadership in the ACoC.
One might hope that the few conservatives still in the ACoC will see through the ploy and force the issue; a vain hope, I fear.