The Anglican Church of Canada wants your money when you die

Mike and Fred even sent me a letter – presumably in the hope that I sink into advanced dementia before joining the choir invisible – asking to be remembered in my will.

The first sentence of the second paragraph had obviously been partially deleted; one presumes the ACoC can’t afford a proofreader until someone else dies.

I had assumed it should have read something like this:

As you reflect on your contributions to the church, we encourage you to consider including your parish or diocese in your will or in an insurance policy. By designating the church as a beneficiary, you will be strengthening our ability to fulfil God’s mission by continuing to sue ANiC parishes.

But apparently not; according to the Niagara web site the last part of the sentence should read…. “fulfill God’s mission well into the future”. I expect Fred made Mike change that bit.

4 thoughts on “The Anglican Church of Canada wants your money when you die

  1. I got one of those letters today too. I used the post paid envelope to write them a letter, asking to be removed from their mailing list because I am now part of the Anglican Chruch in North America.

  2. I do not recall ever seeing such a direct effort at “fund raising”. The constant plea for more money is nothing new, my old Parish of St.James the Apostle – Brampton was always struggling with its budget (but I think that was a case of the Parish wanting to support things like women’s shelters and youth drop in centers). This latest “fund raising” effort is, I think, “doing something new”. Perhaps the reality of their situation is finally setting in. That reality being a serious decline in Church membership and attendance, with the resulting serious decline in offerings.

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