Christian B and B couple face legal action for turning away homosexuals

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A Christian bed-and-breakfast owner is facing legal action for breaching discrimination laws after turning away a gay couple.

Susanne Wilkinson said it was ‘against her convictions’ to let the couple share a double bed in the home where she lives with her husband and children.

But she was reported to police after refusing a room to Michael Black, 62, and John Morgan, 56.

Mr Morgan said he and Mr Black, who live together in Brampton, Cambridgeshire, were considering suing not for money but ‘for a principle’.

The principle in question appears to be the grinding into oblivion anyone who is not prepared to accept homosexual activity as other than aberrant – and Christians are in the direct line of fire. This isn’t the first instance.

9 thoughts on “Christian B and B couple face legal action for turning away homosexuals

  1. That the Wilkinsons have made a religous decision to run their business a particular way, even though it means turning away customers, is fantastic. I fully support them and pray that God upholds them in their obedience to Him. They may take comfort in the Words of Jesus Christ:
    “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

    Similarly, all homosexuals should be made aware of Romans 1:18-32, which reads in part:
    “For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.”

  2. I believe the first rule is “love your neighbor as yourself”..right? But I guess it’s more righteous to just stick it to them. Even if homosexuality is a sin( which I personally believe is ridiculous) the right thing to do is be kind to each other even if you disagree ” let he who is without sin cast the first stone”. And I’m an athiest.

  3. Just a technicality, moriahbethany, but it isn’t the first rule (look it up). Also, the oldest manuscripts do not include the story of the woman found in sin where Jesus said ”let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” These manuscripts were discovered long after the story had become deeply entrenched in Christian tradition. The story may well be true; it just isn’t part of the canon.

    As to whether or not the Wilkinsons were correct in their actions, I would defer to proper application of the law. Given that they chose to enter the marketplace, they need to abide by the laws governing that marketplace. If the law permits them to refuse service then there is no reason for hostility to be directed towards them. If the law does not make provision for such discretion, then I hope the courts will deal with the matter in a just and dispassionate manner. Although in Christ’s case it was ordained by God, I hope that the courts pay less attention to the mob than did Pilate. The Wilkinsons may also have to re-evaluate whether they want to remain in the marketplace. Jesus did call his followers to take up their cross and follow Him.

  4. Take up the cross and follow him..haha. I’m sure discrimination was exactly what he had in mind. I try not to get angry, but what you are saying is ridiculous. I don’t think that God would have ever intended that we judge others for him. A real christian would have given those people a place to stay instead of embarrassing them. You really think that you are going to bring people to God by shunning them? What if it was your child? Or your brother? People like that are the reason that I am not a christian anymore, and you know what? Nobody was judging me, but I did not feel so self righteous as to go around treating anybody like less because they didn’t share my views. Maybe. You should consider the fact that your interpretation of the Bible might not even be correct, that God would judge you for that kind of behavior. The kind of God who would tell his followers to walk around self righteously proclaiming their own morality isn’t anybody I would want to know. I would want to know the God who cares about everyone, which is something I try to offer, non believers aren’t as morally bankrupt as you think, but I am willing to admit that I have failed, because I am human, and my failings though less than some do not make me more deserving of forgiveness.
    P.S even if loving thy neighbor isn’t the first law, it should be.

  5. Moriahbethany, you apparently don’t read well. You accuse me of saying several things that I never said. Is that your version of charity.

    Did you look up the first law? I suspect you didn’t, so here is what you were attempting to quote:

    “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments” (Matthew 22:36-40).

    So, even if it is lawful to decide who you do business with, do you believe that a Christian must always oblige a customer? That s Christian banker must always give a loan regardless of the circustances of the borrower? That a Christian insurance agent must insure everyone who comes to him regardless of the risk? It sounds like you want to apply a standard to Christians – based on your spotty knowledge of the Bible – that you are not be prepared to live up to. If the law does not permit “discrimatination” on specific grounds, then the Christian must comply; or go with his conscience and be prepared to face the consequences. I suspect I would not have reacted like the Wilkonsons, but I won’t “cast the first stone” – I wasn’t there and I don’t know the facts.

    I won’t judge your moral character, but I don’t have a problem judgeing your biblical knowledge or understanding of Christianity – it stinks. Most of what you say does not reflect what the Bible actually says or what Christianity has always believed (presumably your knowledge has come from second- and third-hand sources and you have not studied the Bible for yourself to see what it really says). It sounds, however, like you have no interest in finding out the facts.

    In comparison to God’s holiness, we are all morally bankrupt. All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. No biblical Christian will claim that they are better than a non believer. Without the blood of Christ shed for the forgiveness of sins, we would all be on our way to hell. God’s holiness demands justice. Only Christ was without sin and it required the death of a sinless, incarnate God (Christ) to the pay the price that man could not pay.

    Many Christians have a different view, but I believe that the Bible clearly teaches that God is sovereign and does the choosing (there are many biblical texts that back this up). Accordingly, you ultimately don’t have the power to choose God. Unless he creates faith in you and gives you the ability to believe and understand His truth, you will continue to view the claims of Christ as foolishness (just like the Bible says) and will continue to reject Him. Regardless, once you have heard the gospel – the good news that Christ died for our sins and, on the third day was resurrected – you are without excuse. If you choose to go on mocking, that is between you and God and not for me to judge.

    Right now, it appears that you will only “choose” to believe in a God that you can cast in your own image – a God that will bow to your standards instead of you humbling yourself before Him. This is idolatry; which breaks God’s law. May God grant you the faith of which I spoke earlier so that the scales will fall from your eyes and that you too may believe.

  6. Warren,
    That moriahbethany is not Christian is amply proven by their blasphemous assertion that they know better than Christ which of the two great commandments should take precedence.
    It’d unlikely that your exchange will change their mind, but I do love it when you write in righteous indignation.

  7. I said two things from the Bible( and they weren’t verbatum) love thy neighbor(I shortened it) and ” let he who is without sin cast the first stone” which part did I get wrong exactly? Apart from that I was simply saying that we as people should treat each other with respect and be empathetic to each other(which, from my years of reading the Bible was what I got out of it) in general, I have met a few real christians who care more about their own personal relationship with God and giving unto others than about shunning the “wicked”. Some really good athiests too, you guys don’t have the patent on goodness, and you don’t get to force people to believe. I am not going to spend my life in fear of going to hell, I have to stand by my principles(which include treating everyone equally) because it is what I know in my heart is right. I will make every attempt to make life better for others and to be a good person, and that will have to be enough. It isn’t disrespect for God that I feel, simply that I do not believe in fear or reward of heaven or hell as motivation. God, if there is a God, will have to look at my heart. Out of all of the religions in the world, all believe the others are wrong, yet all have faith. How are you supposed to choose? What if you are wrong? If I am wrong I will die knowing I did my best, and that I loved others. All I can do is what I belive is right. If it were me and my patrons were christian I would let them in, or gay, or republican/democrat. Why? Because turning them away would not change their views, letting them stay would not change mine. Peace.

  8. In #8 moriahbethany said:

    . . . than about shunning the “wicked”. Some really good athiests too, you guys don’t have the patent on goodness, and you don’t get to force people to believe.

    This is a red herring (at least on this thread). No one stated what you’ve said. I agree with your comment.

    God, if there is a God, will have to look at my heart. Out of all of the religions in the world, all believe the others are wrong, yet all have faith. How are you supposed to choose? What if you are wrong? If I am wrong I will die knowing I did my best, and that I loved others. All I can do is what I belive is right.

    At some level, I think that all of wish that we could earn God’s favour just by being good. It’s our natural way of thinking in terms of fairness. The Bible, however, says something quite different (which is why Christianity is unique among all other religions). Jesus himself, in the Sermon on the Mount, emphasized the severity of the law. For example, in Matthew 5 He said:

    21 “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’ 22 But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.”

    Christianity is unique in that there is nothing a person can do to earn or merit God’s favour. God’s standard is perfect holiness and even the best person who ever lived fell dramatically short of it. The initiative for salvation rests entirely with God. It is only through belief in the death and resurrection of His son that anyone is saved.

    Do you happen to be a graduate of Mt Moriah school in Bethany, MO?

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