Climategate: director of the Climatic Research Unit admits he “is not well organised”

What a surprise:

Phil Jones, the professor behind the “Climategate” affair, has admitted some of his decades-old weather data was not well enough organised.

He said this contributed to his refusal to share raw data with critics – a decision he says he regretted.

His colleagues said that keeping a paper trail was not one of Professor Jones’ strong points. Professor Jones told BBC News: “There is some truth in that”.

The thing is, if the data was not well-organised enough to show to critics, how could it be well-organised enough to be fed into a program and produce graphs?

In a BBC interview, Jones admits there were rates of global warming from 1860-1880, 1910-1940 and 1975-1998 that were essentially identical and that from 1995 to the present there has been no statistically-significant global warming. It has been cooling since 2002, although that is not long enough to be statistically significant.

Of the now infamous email where Jones referred to a “trick”, he says it was:

“a convenient way of achieving something”, in this case joining the earlier valid part of the tree-ring record with the recent, more reliable instrumental record.

Lord Monckton points out, though, that the computer program used to process the raw data has the comment:

“These will be artificially adjusted to look closer to the real temperatures.”

Liberally sprinkled through it – a bit of a giveaway. This goes to show that you should not put comments in your computer programs other than: “this code was hard to write; it’s *supposed* to be hard to understand”.

Poor Professor Jones says that his life has been awful since the emails were exposed. Based on this interview, I don’t think it is about to get much better; I found his protestations of innocence quite unconvincing.

Even if the climate is not heating up, the scandal over climategate is: Nature editor Philip Campbell was forced out of an independent panel after saying there was nothing to suggest a cover up by scientists at the University of East Anglia.

In contrast, here in Canada climate experts who question global warming are still vilified and ostracised; we are so politically correct.

A member of an independent panel to investigate claims that climate scientists covered up flawed data on global warming has been forced to resign after sceptics questioned his impartiality.

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