No Christmas cards for Rifqa Bary

Rifqa Bary is the 17 year old convert from Islam to Christianity who fled from her parents because she fears for her life. She has been returned to Ohio by court order and is in foster care at the moment. Her parents want her back, saying, “I want her to come back home. I love my daughter whether she’s Christian or anything else. I want my daughter back.” But even though they claim they don’t mind if she is a Christian,  her parents don’t want her to have any Christmas cards.

CAIR Attorney Demands Ban and Seizure of all Christmas Cards sent to Rifqa Bary (Bumped)

In a stunning development in the ongoing legal saga of Muslim-turned-Christian convert Rifqa Bary, the parents’ attorney, Omar Tarazi, filed a motion with the Franklin County courts last week moving to ban on all Christmas cards being sent to Rifqa through her attorneys, and demanding the seizure from her of all Christmas cards that she might have already received. And yet her parents still make representations to the media that they intend to honor and respect her Christian faith, while their attorney files sealed motions stating that Christmas cards are “dangerous to her health and safety”.

So many people were injured by Christmas cards in 2008, that vendors are now printing a warning on each card:

One thought on “No Christmas cards for Rifqa Bary

  1. Jail inmates in the Phoenix AZ area recently asked the court to stop the sheriff from playing Christmas music in the jail since it harmed them.

    The court said :”NUTS”; on with the music.

    The court in OH should note this ruling.

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