Rev. Ian Dingwall talking to himself

In C. S. Lewis’s The Great Divorce, a clergyman in Hell wanders in circles muttering banalities to an audience that does not exist. In this life, the Niagara Anglican is a training ground for such a perpetuity of solipsism. The Rev. Ian Dingwall is an acolyte in the peddling of meaningless drivel masquerading as Christianity; the medium is the Niagara Anglican paper, the audience is almost all gone and the message is a swirling feculence making its way down the plug-hole of eternity:

Hospitality is the main business of the Church wherever it is. And that is so because it is the chief work of God. God is the Host of the Universe and God’s family encompasses all of life: human, animal, environment, the whole of Creation.

We are not a factory whose goal is to “Make Christians” and stamp them with the mark of Religion or Church. It is to welcome all people as Guests who deserve the best hospitality we can offer. Inclusive of all: no fences or walls or barriers of separation. All this is because God is the Great Host of the Universe and we are all one in his Home of Hospitality.

One thought on “Rev. Ian Dingwall talking to himself

  1. I thought hospitality was the main business of publicans and the main business of the church was the Great Commission? One of us must be losing it.

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