Fund raising in the Diocese of Niagara

The early days are a little hazy, but I remember:

AIM: Anglicans In Mission: that was inflicted on us  during  the Bothwell/Asbil oligarchy, I believe.

Survive and Thrive: a concoction of Ralph Spence. People would keep referring to it as Strive and Thrive, though.

The victims of these schemes – parishioners – eventually caught on to their true significance:

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However, now, under the expert guidance of Bishop Michael Bird, we are in the era of pursuing excellence and – crusading to raise $750,000 in order to keep suing fellow Christians. Such is the march of progress.

One thought on “Fund raising in the Diocese of Niagara

  1. I take it then the firing of the treasurer last week has something to do with this latest campaign’s failure? Perhaps this is a money saving dodge? I remember during the infamous belt tightening during the Strife and Die campaign they let go the single mother who was the receptionist at Cathedral Place. The real fat cats were too entrenched to be let go. No wonder they didn’t succeed. Let me know when they get down to just a bishop and a dean hiding under the stairs from the bailiff.

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