The Gay Divorcee

The 1934 version has acquired an entirely new meaning:

Trapped in a bad marriage?

Sorry, really. But you’ve got nothing on Larissa Chism and Tara Ranzy, a divorce-seeking Indiana couple doomed to live unhappily ever after and after and after by a legal Catch-22.

Chism, a psychiatrist, and Ranzy, an educator, wed in Toronto in January 2005. In March of this year, they filed a divorce petition.

In many respects, their case was rubber-stamp simple. They had no children; they had already divided their property; neither was pregnant. Unfortunately, an eagle-eyed court employee noticed the one complicating fact in their one-page joint submission: Larissa and Tara are both women’s names. Indiana does not grant or recognize same-sex marriages.

And so, a court there ruled Sept. 4, Chism and Ranzy cannot end their marriage because their marriage does not exist.

Nor can they simply return to Toronto to obtain a quickie divorce here, as one prominent Indiana social conservative suggested to the Indianapolis Star. Ontario, like same-sex-marriage-granting Massachusetts, requires one spouse to be a resident for a year or more before a divorce can be approved.

A perfect illustration of the chaos wrought by contemporary gender confusion; although if it had to happen to anyone, a psychiatrist and an educator seems fitting.

One thought on “The Gay Divorcee

  1. And what sort of problems will there be if these marriages are blessed in Niagara. Wall will have to come up with a new divorce liturgy to fix it.

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