The Diocese of BC in a death spiral

The Diocese of BC published some interesting numbers recently:

Out of a total of 55 parishes:
25 are in decline
15 are in growth
3 joined ANiC
2 are flat
9 are unknown
1 was recently closed

40 parishes ran a deficit and 6 a surplus (the rest are ANiC, closed or unknown)

In 2008, there were:Add an Image
Baptisms: 123 or  2.6 per church
Marriages: 78 or 1.6 per church
Funerals: 342 or 7.2 per church
Children and Youth: 652 or 13.8 per church

Total Average Sunday Attendance in 2008 was 3,856. 82 or per church (47 parishes)
Total Average Sunday Attendance in 2007 was 4,955. 95 or per church (52 parishes)
Total Average Sunday Attendance in 2001 was 6544. 107 or per church (61 parishes)

If this were a business rather than an old-boys club, the CEO would have been fired – admittedly with an obscene bonus – his henchmen replaced and the corridors of power swept clean. As it is James Cowan is still firmly at the helm steaming full speed ahead into the waters of further inclusion and diversity. After all, if he opens the doors wide enough, people will come, surely; or escape – one of the two, anyway.

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