Toronto’s shame

Toronto is bidding to host the 2014 “pride” parade:

TORONTO, September 10, 2009 ( – Promoters of Toronto’s sordid annual homosexual “pride” parade are upping the ante with a bid to have the city host World Pride in 2014.

“We believe that hosting World Pride 2014 in Toronto will engage and inspire people from around the world, be a fabulous celebration of Pride and showcase Toronto as one of the most diverse and accepting cities in the world,” wrote Pride Toronto co-chair Mark Singh in a Pride Toronto press release.

Singh claims that this summer’s homosexual festival, held during the city’s garbage collection strike which filled parks and streets with rotting refuse, “attracted 1.3 million people” and generated “$100 million in business.”

From the city’s perspective, this is all about money and power. In 2009, $400,000 of taxpayer’s money was donated to fill the streets with moral decay, seemingly in an effort to outdo the stink of the physical decay from the rotting garbage. Erstwhile respectable companies – TD Canada Trust and IBM for example – vied with each other in their efforts to make money from the “GLBT community” and trendy leftist politicians marched in solidarity with cavorting degenerates in order to gain a few votes. Having no moral direction or self respect, capitalism and democracy grovel before the altar of Baal; they can’t last much longer, surely.

2 thoughts on “Toronto’s shame

  1. Ah – the great altar of Baal. You should read “The Evolution of God” – a wonderful survey of late-19th and 20th century theology and research that outlines the influence of “Baal” in the development of the hebrew “God”. If I recall correctly, they are identified as practically the same spiritual figure.

    That is, however, all by the by. As a self-proclaimed Anglican, surely you should take pride in Toronto’s embracing of many different perspectives on a pair of shared, time-honoured themes: loving one’s neighbour as oneself, and doing unto others as one would have them do to oneself (aside: if that isn’t a strong biblical argument for being penetrated as well as penetrating, I don’t know).

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