Diocese of Niagara: dog in the manger

The Diocese of Niagara, having been in serious decline for decades, is unable to pay the upkeep on many of its half-empty buildings. It is hoping that taxpayers will foot the bill to keep them open.

They’re stunning, iconic buildings that speak to a time of religious grace and opulence. They’re also aging, some without the means or devotees to return them to their former glory.

“In the future, what would be an ideal from our point of view would be to have a way of working with the heritage folks and the city so we could both preserve churches and develop the land around them, perhaps,” said Rick Jones, archdeacon with the Diocese of Niagara.

At the same time, it is trying to take three buildings away from ANiC parishes that actually could use them for what they were originally intended: worship. Bishop Michael Bird calls this the Pursuit of Excellence in Ministry.

2 thoughts on “Diocese of Niagara: dog in the manger

  1. “redevelop” ! LOL You mean flatten ASAP and get any money out of the deal you can before the bank closes in on the wonderful diverse diocese.

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