Anglican Church of Canada: what excites Fred Hiltz?

Other than gay sex, of course. Fred discusses his beloved five Marks of Mission. There are actually six: the sixth is “undisclosed”, “unnamed” and is the most exciting: money.

One thought on “Anglican Church of Canada: what excites Fred Hiltz?

  1. I can’t get excited.
    Hiltz’ facies, speech tone, words, and general slouched demeanor speak to me of – boredom. The most ‘insignificant’ (in the church’s eyes, not the Kingdom’s) new convert speaks many more volumes than this.
    Is he so afraid of making a mistake that he needs to ‘enforce’ that kind of ‘correctness’ on himself?
    It is only people who are willing to risk and make mistakes that eventually DO something. I think Bell & Einstein might be two of those – and we remember them! Not to mention Greg Venables, Bob Duncan, Don Harvey, – – –

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