A Fresh Wind – for those whose nostrils are plugged

The aphorism, “there’s a fresh wind blowing” makes a regular appearance in the Anglican repertoire of routine banalities that pose as prophetic or creative insight: for example here:

As the Primate puts it, “there’s a fresh wind blowing through our church!”

and here:

there’s a fresh wind blowing in the life of the Anglican Church of Canada to engage us again in this important reflection on God’s mission and what it is we’re called to be and do.”

and here:

open to the fresh wind of the Spirit who inspired scripture in the first place.

Its main purpose  is to help justify tossing out 2000 years of biblical thinking to make room for a recently resuscitated heresy. Those whose olfactory organ is still functioning recognise the wind for what it is: a putrid stench.

Which makes me wonder why the Anglican Federation – a body of orthodox Anglicans which has decided to remain in the ACoC – has chosen to use this phrase:

I’m happy to report that a fresh wind is blowing through the Anglican Essentials Federation. We have a rejuvenated Federation Council, including new clergy and two bright senior students from Wycliffe College.

There has been little sign of life from the Federation in the last few years; occasionally it rouses itself from hebetude to make a pronouncement like this:

Look for a significant name-change coming soon, reflective of new realities!

Over all, there is a feeling of excitement and expectation as we continue to bear witness from our stance WITHIN the Anglican church of Canada.

The capitalised emphasis is theirs, appears to be the main obsession and perhaps explains why they are reusing ACoC boilerplate.

Pretty exciting.

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