Loving your enemies Diocese of Niagara style

Having recovered from my exciting adventures at the Diocese of Niagara’s Easter Sunday service, I thought I would take a look at how the diocese likes to portray itself:

St. Hilda’s is an Anglican Church in the Diocese of Niagara. To be an Anglican in Niagara is to love Jesus, it is to love the Word of God in Scripture and through them to learn to love not only our neighbours, but our enemies as well. In Christ we learn that we really have no enemies, only brothers and sisters. Together we are called to live like Him, as God’s children, striving to serve goodness in our hearts in our homes and in the world. All are welcome as we learn and grow together in this journey of faith.

Now I don’t regard the diocesan bouncer as my enemy, I really don’t. But, even though I have been accused of being a socially maladroit misfit unable to pick up and adapt to the subtle niceties of acceptable behaviour, I have this funny feeling that when someone shoves you hard, they don’t like you very much. So I fear the bouncer saw me as an enemy.

Perhaps the diocese should revise its description to include: “See how these Christians shove one another!”

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