Anglicans win Demented Priest Award

The informative Muslims Against Sharia site has a variety of awards it bestows upon deserving contenders. One is the Demented Priest Award; Anglicans will be proud to know that two of their own are the latest recipients of this prestigious accolade.

Rowan Williams for his groundbreaking work on explaining to Britons why Sharia law is inevitable in the land of the Crusaders and Katherine Jefferts-Schori for her tireless support of Islamofascism.

The only disappointment here is the sad lack of recognition for the efforts of Canadian Fred Hiltz;  never mind Fred, with a bit of work and a lot of concentration, I’m sure you will do better next time.

3 thoughts on “Anglicans win Demented Priest Award

  1. I would be proud to take this opportunity to nominate the ACoC’s own Fred Hiltz. He would fit right in.

  2. We’d be happy to present Fred Hiltz with this prestigious award, providing that he deserves it. Any supporting documents would be greatly appreciated.


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