Lies, damned lies, statistics, and vaccines

From the beginning I was suspicious of the MRNA vaccines being peddled by Pfizer and other drug manufacturers. As I mentioned here:

“I have worked on technology most of my life”, I told the nurse. “For new technology, we operated on the principle that ‘if it can go wrong, it will’. Messenger RNA vaccines are new technology”.

That, and the fact that all the available COVID vaccines were developed or tested using cell lines grown from HEK293 or PERC6 cells extracted from aborted babies, convinced me not to take them.

The state of Kansas is now suing Pfizer for lying about the “safe and effective” mantra, the fact that, contrary to their claims, a vaccinated person can still infect someone else, for censoring criticism, for concealing the number of miscarriages their vaccine induced, for known adverse reactions and deaths, for invalidating the “blind testing” and for refusing to release its test data.

Still, Pfizer made around $100 billion dollars for its lies, so that’s something.

If you have the even the vaguest interest in the truth about this, watch this:

And here is the attorney general of Kansas:

This is merely anecdotal but, for what it’s worth, most of my friends did take a full course of one of the vaccines and almost all of them caught COVID. Many of them multiple times. A surprising number of them have also had blood clots, strokes and heart problems since taking the vaccine. Neither my wife or I had the vaccine (she did have one shot), we didn’t take any special precautions and neither of us caught COVID. We also haven’t had a blood clot, stroke or heart problems. As I said, merely anecdotal.

4 thoughts on “Lies, damned lies, statistics, and vaccines

  1. I worked in a hospital – ambulatory cardiac clinic. Nothing I saw on TV, heard on radio, or saw on social media matched up with what was actually going on in the hospital. It was like tumbleweeds. We were shut down for a while so had to scramble to learn how to do everything virtually. When the shots rolled out, I was suspicious. My coworkers lined up for them. I’ll wait and see. Soon after, they found out they had to take a second shot. I said I’ll wait. In the mean time, I did research. Listened to virologists, vaccinologists, and cardiologists and learned that vaccination should never roll out in the midst of a pandemic. People will continue to get sick. It was experimental. No proper studies. In BC, all seasonal flu cases disappeared. It was all about C-19. Ambulances increased alarmingly. I am on a main route for ambulances.

    I was determined not to take the shots and tried to live my life as normal as I could.

    Part of my job was to set up exam appts for cardiology patients. I would call patients to try to book them but they didn’t want to get blood work, ECG, and/or echocardiograms. So many said that they’ll wait til C-19 is over. Lots of them passed away while they waited. I had several that #diedsuddenly, just sitting in their chair while watching TV.

    Meanwhile, I lost longtime friends and was exiled by my family because I was v’d

    Then all HCW were mandated to take two shots. I refused and was terminated after 20 years in health care and 4 years before retirement. No EI either. My request for a religious exemption was completely ignored.

    BC still has the mandate for HCWs. I will never go back. I have no regrets after all the carnage I’ve seen. My father has turbo-dementia. He was driving 13 months ago and now can’t operate a toaster. Doesnt know what town he lives in. 3 friends diagnosed in Dec with Stage 4 stomach cancer; 2 dead, #3 dying. The girl who lives above me lost her aunt to a brain aneurysm. She had the 2nd shot & died that night in her sleep. Her husband (5 shots) is dying in hospital with brain tumour. Young friends with neurological illnesses now plus myocarditis, pericarditis. My uncle died of aggressive brain cancer. Friends with unbearable skin lesions. It just goes on and on.

    I do understand that we were hit with a huge amount of propaganda and a campaign of fear mongering. I understand why ppl were desperate to take a shot that they believed would save them from a deadly illness. I understand that ppl were scared. I don’t judge those who thought they were “doing the right thing”

    Meanwhile, the pro-narrative people call me a stupid anti-vaxxer. This was the only shot I ever refused, and I had to many extras for my work. I’ve always thought they were a good thing. Safe & effective. Not anymore. Now I actually am Vaccine Aware.

    I challenge anyone with questions about vaccines to read, “Turtles All the Way Down; vaccine Science & Myth”.

    Sorry for the novel, but I know there are people out there that are vax injured and being gaslit by the medical system. I pray you find answers and the help you may need.

    In Christ’s love, ❤️

    • Now you are a person I’d like to meet to have a coffee with. It’s great that you were thinking clearly in the early days and didn’t take the clot shot.

  2. Life can be very complicated. Some of us are blessed with better physical and mental health than others. But we all can live a spiritual life still on earth. We seem to have more questions than answers in life. We all have to make decisions based on available information which may be accurate and verifiable. In doubt, we should wait for further information. Not waiting can be risky. But waiting too long for confirmation can be risky too. We are hoping to learn something new every day. Every minute on earth is a bonus from God. Pray that in spite of our shortcomings and self-centeredness, our imperfect life can be a blessing to others. Thanks be to God!

  3. We actually had leaders in our church shown the door because they were not vaccinated as the Bishop ordered. We lost three very capable and competent members of our Parish who were using their God-given gifts very effectively. Two of these had medical exemption letters from their Doctors which the Bishop would not accept. One of them has told me that she would most likely be dead if she had taken the vaccine.
    All three have found new ministry opportunities at another church in Town who welcomed them with open arms.
    This Kansas lawsuit could have far-reaching tentacles if these allegations are proven in court. If a number of members in the ACoC who were excommunicated by their Bishop for not being vaccinated were to sue their Diocese, even though I disagree with doing so – 1 Corinthians 6 (assuming that the Bishop is a Christian), the demise of the ACoC would come much more quickly than 2040. This might be a less painful end for a Church in ‘ecclesiastical palliative care’.

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