Propaganda was a major component of fighting World War 2. The Nazis, for example, would drop leaflets on cities warning civilians that resistance was not only futile, but would make things worse. Here is an example that was used in the Netherlands:
It reads:
To the civilians of Holland!
Do not take part in sabotage against the German army!
You can’t stop the German Army!
Large parts of Holland are already occupied!
All resistance is of no use!
Do not take part in sabotage actions like destroying dikes, blowing up bridges, or making road blockades. These actions are of no use because the German Army has lots of technical means to avoid them.
Do not take part in a war that is not yours!
Do not destroy your own country, but stay calm!
Civilians, captured during sabotage actions will get DEATH PUNISHMENT!
Civilians of Holland, we warn you!”
The Anglican Church of Canada is waging a war against Christians who are no longer willing to go along with its agenda of making a god out of the Zeitgeist. The war is being waged largely through intimidation and in courts of law.
The Diocese of British Columbia has also begun launching propaganda salvos, similar in intent and tone to the example above: resistance is futile and is only making things worse. Here is an extract from a letter by the Venerable Bruce Bryant-Scott Commissary to the Bishop, Diocesan Executive Officer & Diocesan Archdeacon. The whole thing is here.
The Network has had a series of defeats in the courts in Canada. Recently our colleagues in the Diocese of Niagara received payment of $20,000 from the Network for the costs of the legal action there. The Diocese of Niagara will be in court again in March and are asking for costs of over $200,000, and I understand there is a reasonable probability that they will be awarded that amount. Donors to the legal fund of the Network should know that they are not only paying their lawyers’ fees, but those of the lawyers defending the dioceses of the Anglican Church of Canada.
First to set the facts straight, the Diocese of Niagara wanted $70,000 in costs but were awarded $20,000. They have now asked for over $200,000 in legal expenses: what they will be awarded remains to be seen. The contention that ANiC is further funding diocesan lawyers would only be true if ANiC finally loses the court cases.
Second, the clear purpose of this is to demoralise those fighting for what they believe to be right by insinuating that resistance is not only futile, but counter-productive. It is wartime propaganda.
We are undeterred by such nonsense because we believe what we are doing is right, even if pursuing it comes at a cost.
A wise old Jew once said something like: “If you drag the schmucks into court you’ve lost already” (St.Paul) ie. it’s a waste of time, money and energy to fight over buildings and property. Rise above money grubbing ways and God will bless you for it. Remember that a very much wiser young Jew said: “if anyone asks you for anything give it to them”. (Yashua Messiah)