Anglican Church of Canada does Christian unity

From here:

Canadians prepared the resources for this year’s liturgy and daily reflections. They chose as a theme Paul’s rhetorical question in addressing divisions in the church in Corinth, “Has Christ been divided?” (1 Corinthians 1:13). The question calls us to confess the scandal of disunity and it’s marring effect on the witness of the church catholic. This week always has about it a spirit of repentance and renewal.


In this Week of Prayer for Christian Unity let us be mindful of the great “Don de Dieu” the great gift of God’s peace and unity in Christ for us and for the world. And let us pray that as church leaders, church councils, and neighbours in faith we may embrace and embody that gift with passion and perseverance for the glory of Christ and the good of the world.

How should one respond to the Anglican Church of Canada, unrepentant fomenter of strife, litigation, worldwide schism and cosmic mayhem, celebrating Christian unity?

5 thoughts on “Anglican Church of Canada does Christian unity

  1. It is indeed a proper goal to bring about CHRISTIAN unity but that is clearly impossible considering the lack of sincere Christian leadership within the ACoC. We have a primate who clearly supported the apostasy of Michael Ingham and other so-call bishops and until there is sincere repentance on the part of said so-called bishops the only unity that can be achieved is worship of political expediency and/or political correctness.

  2. Unity is a commendable goal but unity at the sacrifice of truth is is not worth it Paul wrote “Do not be yoked with those who are different, with unbelievers. For what partnership do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what fellowship does light have with darkness? What accord has Christ with Beliar? Or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said: “I will live with them and move among them,
    and I will be their God and they shall be my people. Therefore, come forth from them
    and be separate,” When they believe in a different Jesus and a different gospel then what is declared in the bible,how can you have true fellowship with them .It’s like trying to bring unity between Christians ,Muslims and Mormons

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