Justin Welby: marriage is between a man and a woman

From here:

The new Archbishop of Canterbury will today issue a challenge to David Cameron by voicing opposition to gay marriage on the eve of the first parliamentary vote on the controversial new law.

In his first official day as leader of the Church of England, the Rt Rev Justin Welby is expected to say that marriage should remain “between a man and a woman”.

As MPs prepare for the vote on gay marriage tomorrow, Bishop Welby will give his first interviews after being officially confirmed in the post at a ceremony in St Paul’s Cathedral in London.

“If asked, he will say that marriage is between a man and a woman, and always has been,” a source close to Bishop Welby said last night, adding that the Archbishop was expecting to be asked for his views and had prepared his response.

Justin Welby can challenge David Cameron until the cows come home and it won’t make any difference. Challenging the government is easy for an Anglican bishop because no-one in the government cares, is listening or believes it will make a whit of difference. Archbishops of Canterbury have been whining at governments for centuries about one thing or another – to no effect other than to create the illusion that they are busy doing something. What is less easy – and more relevant for the church – is a challenge to the North American bishops who promote homosexual marriage.

Perhaps Welby is just practicing on David Cameron before getting down to the real business of sorting out the likes of Katharine Jefferts-Schori and Fred Hiltz; I’m not particularly optimistic that that is the case, though.

Ahmadinejad in space

ahma-monkeyjpegIran, having, allegedly sent a monkey into space, is looking for its next candidate. In a sacrificial gesture, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has offered himself as the next subject – to benefit science, his country and mankind.

As Ahmadinejad takes his place floating 72 miles aloft, he will gain the stature that hitherto has eluded him, the rest of the simian community will heave a collective sigh of relief, Iran’s citizens will take to the streets rejoicing, and other Islamic leaders will have an inspiring example to emulate.

It is a win-win situation.

From here:

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says he is willing to be the first Iranian astronaut to be sent into space.

“I’m ready to be the first Iranian to sacrifice myself for our country’s scientists,” he said in an address to space scientists in Tehran, according to the official IRNA news agency.


Richard Dawkins on Anglicanism: the most unkindest cut of all

There can be little that is more insulting to a belief system than to be a champion for its antithesis while claiming to be a product of its cultural charm.

In his debate with Rowan Williams, Richard Dawkins has restated that he is “a cultural Anglican”, implying that Anglicanism bears no relation to Christianity – which Dawkins hates – whatsoever. In Dawkins’ eyes and in the eyes of many others, to be Anglican is nothing more than to maintain a veneer of benign, doddering, civilising gentility over a society that openly ridicules what it once stood for.

From here:

Early in his address, Prof Dawkins made a provocative comparison between Christian and Islamic traditions, describing himself as a ”cultural Anglican”.

”I’m grateful, by the way, to be a cultural Anglican when you think of the competition,” he added.

”If I were a cultural Muslim, I would have something to say about that faith’s appalling attitude to women and various other moral points.”

Today is World Hijab Day

The idea is that if non-Muslim women wear a hijab for a day, for reasons that are not entirely explained, we will have: “Better awareness, greater understanding and a peaceful world.”

So ladies, don your hijabs and prepare to usher in a halcyon era of calm and tranquillity as male concuspience – the root of all conflict – is quenched by the absence of visible female hair. It is the obvious solution for peace in the Middle East. It should work: looking at this, already I feel waves of libido sapping ataraxia overwhelming me:
