Fr. Raymond Gravel, the suing priest

Every time I sink into a slough of despond produced by the certain knowledge that the Anglican Church has a monopoly on batty priests, something turns up to give me a helping hand out of the mire. This time it’s in the form of Roman Catholic priest, Raymond Gravel, a man who is not only just as daft as the dottiest Anglican prelate but exceeds most in native deviousness.

Gravel was forced by the Vatican to relinquish his seat in parliament as a member of the Bloc Québécois; the Vatican does not allow priests to serve in public office – a restriction that can hardly have been news to Gravel when he first stood for the Bloc Québécois, even though he received a dispensation from his bishop to do so.

While an MP, he distinguished himself as a politician-priest chimera by opposing Bill C-484, which would have recognized injury of a foetus during a crime as a separate offence from an injury to the mother, and by supporting  abortionist Henry Morgentaler’s receiving the Order of Canada – all of this while claiming to be pro-life. He also supports same-sex marriage and homosexual priests; he used to be a homosexual prostitute but all that is now behind him – as it were.

Lifesite News has done its best to expose the duplicitous Gavel and, since he has now been booted out of his position as a catechist in the Quebec Diocese of Joliette, he has decided to sue someone. After astutely assessing his options, he decided that Lifesite News is an easier target than the Vatican, so he is suing them for $500,000 in damages.

If he wins, Lifesite News will be shut down: a loss for Christianity, the pro-life movement, free speech and the Catholic Church.

Read more here.



Church where scumbags are welcome

From here:

It shines out in the night like a beacon of light, attracting the attention of all passers by.

Of course, if you are going to put a gigantic sign screaming ‘Scumbags Welcome!’ on the road side you probably didn’t intend it to do much else.

The pastor of Lake County church, Florida, hopes that the controversial billboard will help bring people closer to God.

Moses Robbins, of the Saturday Night Live (SNL) church, put the billboard up along Highway 441 between Tavares and Leesburg.

In less than a week, he said the phone has been ringing off the hook – not from Scumbags wanting to be welcomed – but from people criticising it and its message.

But Robbins said there is nothing vulgar about the sign and he doesn’t care if it offends people, assuring this was not his goal.

He said that for people to understand they must read the Bible verse Mark 2:13-17, in which Jesus eats with sinners and tax collectors, to realise what inspired the billboard.

The SNL church’s novel approach to advertising makes a refreshing contrast to that of the typical inclusive church; let’s hope that, unlike liberal churches who love to include everyone except committed Christians, those who attend are encouraged to become less scummy.



Anglican priest gets PhD in snowboarding

Anglican priest, Rev. Neil Elliot is celebrating the completion of his PhD in snowboarding, from Kingston University in London.

He discusses the minutiae of the spirituality of snowboarding here, where he observes:

One thing that came out very clearly in my research is that people in contemporary society are talking about spirituality without God and they are looking for spiritual growth and development without necessarily including God. We need to understand why that’s the case.

Understanding why people prefer spirituality to God isn’t that difficult: God makes demands of us, spirituality, in its all you need is love mushiness doesn’t.

The ultimate stupid defence

From here:

Shareef Abdelhaleem, the final member of the Toronto 18 to be sentenced for his crimes, has been handed a life sentence with no chance of parole for 10 years.

Abdelhaleem, 35, was sentenced Friday just before noon for his role in a homegrown terror plot to detonate bombs at the Toronto offices of CSIS, the Toronto Stock Exchange and an Ontario military base. He was found guilty last year of participating in a terrorist group and intending to cause an explosion.

Ahead of his sentence, Shareef delivered a 23-minute rambling speech, in which he claimed he never intended to harm anyone. He also said that Canadians have been silent on the blatant injustice of his case.

He asked the judge to sentence him as if he were a “white Catholic and not a Muslim.”

Shareef has no idea what he is asking for: a white Catholic who threatened to blow up CSIS and the Toronto Stock Exchange would merit a lynch mob outside the courtroom with guest appearances from Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens to egg them on.

Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem denied permit to remain in Israel

Bishop Dawani is being accused off colluding with the Palestinian Authority in shady land dealings. Whether this is true or not remains to be seen but, considering the strident anti-Israel bias of the Western Anglican Church, I’m surprised he had a visa in the first place.

From here:

Bishop Dawani, his wife and daughters had successfully renewed this permit, as required, in 2008 and 2009. On 24 August 2010, Bishop Dawani went to renew the permit with the Ministry of the Interior and was informed in writing that permits for himself, his wife and daughter would not be renewed because of allegations pending against the Bishop. The letter, in Hebrew, included the following: “Bishop Suheil acted with the Palestinian Authority in transferring lands owned by Jewish people to the Palestinians and also helped to register lands of Jewish people in the name of the Church.” There were further allegations that documents were forged by the Bishop. The letter also stated that Bishop Dawani and his family should leave the country immediately.

The Jerusalem Inter-Church Center secretary, Yusef Daher, thinks that Israel doesn’t respect Christians – an odd perspective, considering Israel is the most religiously tolerant nation in the Middle East and is surrounded by rabidly anti-Christian nations who routinely murder Christians. What Daher really means is that Israel has little use for politically motivated pro-Palestinian Anglican prelates whose main contribution to the Israeli people is to criticise them.

“There is a feeling among church leaders that Israel has no respect for Christians or Christian leaders,” Daher said Tuesday (March 1). “There is no respect for the request of the issuing of residency visas.”

Mass extinction could eradicate 75% of life on earth

From here:

Earth may be on the brink of a sixth mass extinction on the scale of the apocalyptic event that wiped out the dinosaurs, a study claims.

The researchers say that unless action is taken now to reverse the harmful effects of human activity on eco-systems, a full-blown mass extinction could occur within a few centuries.

Recovery from such an event, which could eradicate more than three-quarters of all life on Earth, may then take millions of years…………………………

Scientists believe humans are causing the sixth mass extinction by fragmenting habitats, introducing non-native species, spreading diseases, killing species, and changing the climate.

But Professor Barnosky said it was not too late to prevent the loss of species reach an extinction ‘tipping point’.

‘So far, only 1 per cent to 2 per cent of all species have gone extinct in the groups we can look at clearly, so by those numbers, it looks like we are not far down the road to extinction. We still have a lot of Earth’s biota to save.

‘It’s very important to devote resources and legislation toward species conservation if we don’t want to be the species whose activity caused a mass extinction.’

Obviously Professor Barnosky is not offering a scientific opinion when he says it’s “very important to devote resources and legislation toward species conservation”.  Scientifically, it’s no more important that a species lives than it dies; science merely observes what happens. A theist might lament that God’s creation is being decimated but would have confidence that God is able to look after his creation in spite of man’s determination to muck it up. Professor Barnosky is probably not a theist, so he should stick to science and keep his value judgements to himself.

Lefties, eat your hearts out

According to the Huffington Post, out of the top 30 cable news programs, the first eleven places are occupied by Fox News. And number 10 is a repeat of number one, The O’Reilly Factor, at a different time.


  1. The O’Reilly Factor
  2. Special Report With Bret Baier
  3. Hannity
  4. Glenn Beck
  5. Fox Report With Shepard Smith
  6. On The Record With Greta Van Susteren
  7. Your World With Neil Cavuto
  8. America’s Newsroom
  9. Studio B
  10. The O’Reilly Factor (11:00 p.m. repeat)
  11. America Live
  12. The Rachel Maddow Show
  13. Happening Now
  14. The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell
  15. Fox & Friends
  16. Anderson Cooper 360 (10:00 p.m.)
  17. The Ed Show
  18. Piers Morgan Tonight
  19. Hardball With Chris Matthews
  20. The Situation Room
  21. Parker Spitzer
  22. Nancy Grace
  23. Anderson Cooper 360 (11:00 p.m.)
  24. John King USA
  25. CNN Newsroom
  26. The Last Word With Lawrence O’Donnell (11:00 p.m. repeat)
  27. Morning Joe
  28. The Daily Rundown
  29. MSNBC Live
  30. Andrea Mitchell Reports


Patient and holy listening

From here:

At the end of a dialogue held Feb. 24 to 27 in Dar es Salaam, the bishops expressed a commitment to “continued engagement” and announced plans to meet again. They encouraged other bishops to develop similar networks for dialogue and mission.

“We have been engaged in a process of patient and holy listening, as Anglicans, coming from a wide diversity of contexts and theological positions, who have chosen to listen to one another,” the bishops said in a joint document called A Testimony of Grace, released March 1.

While discussions have not been solely focused on sexuality, the bishops said the sensitivity of the topic required them to approach it with “mutuality and humility and prayer in listening and in speaking as we seek together for God’s wisdom.”

What a load of old bollocks. Does anyone seriously think that the early church would have taken hold of peoples’ imagination, conquered empires and founded civilisations by “a process of patient and holy listening”?

No? Me neither.