All Saints' Anglican Church, Windsor has transgender clothing cupboard

From here:

The Clothing Cupboard at All Saints’ Anglican Church is open every Tuesday morning from 9:00 a.m. until 12 noon.  It is located in the basement of the church house on the City Square, beside City Hall.  Coffee and refreshments are available to everyone prior to going down to the Clothing Cupboard.  There is no charge for any of the clothing or for the refreshments.

Under the leadership of Archdeacon Kim Van Allen, the church has initiated a program to make their Clothing Cupboard available to those in the Transgender community who feel uncomfortable attending the public opening on Tuesdays.  One of their volunteers, Henry Johnson, is willing to arrange access to those who would like private access to the Cupboard.  He may be contacted through the church office.

This is a worthwhile service which is open to all members of our city and county, including the LGBT community.

Donations to the Clothing Cupboard can be dropped off at the church office.  The Church’s telephone number is 519-253-8001.

Tonight there will be a special on matching gentlemen’s bras and maniples.

Pastor Terry– I almost burned a Koran – Jones banned from UK

From here:

Mr Jones had been originally invited by the English Defence League to attend a Feb 5 rally in Luton, Bedfordshire against the presence of Islam in Britain, but that invitation was withdraw.

Another group, England Is Ours, said on its website that it had invited the pastor to speak at a “series of demonstrations against the expansion of Islam and the construction of Mosques here in the UK” in the second week of February.

A Home Office spokesman said: “The Government opposes extremism in all its forms which is why we have excluded Pastor Terry Jones from the UK.”

In a statement, Mr Jones said: “This ban exemplifies the sabotage of the basic human rights of freedom of speech and freedom of expression. The ban also proves the effectiveness of the threat of militant Islam in the UK as one is not free to travel to the UK due to the speculation of violence.”

A member of his staff at the Dove World Outreach Centre in Gainesville, Florida, US, said a letter from the Home Office had been received by courier on Wednesday informing Mr Jones of the ban. She said the letter mentioned the risk of “disruption”.

Why was Jones actually banned from entering the UK? Because the UK – home of rabid Islamist Anjem Choudary“opposes extremism in all its forms”? Hardly.

The answer in in the last sentence: craven poltroonery.

Here are some charming examples of how effective the government is in opposing extremism in all its forms when it happens to be Islamic extremism:

Homosexual bullying

No, it’s not what you think.

This is a case of homosexuals bullying Christians.

When Martyn Hall and his civil partner, Steven Preddy, sued Christian hoteliers, Mr and Mrs Bull, for not allowing the homosexual pair to sleep in the same room, it was not because they would otherwise have had to sleep outside in the cold. They sued because they wanted to force their views of homosexuality onto a pair of Christians.

That’s what the lawsuit was really about: bullying.

Homosexual Couple Win B&B Discrimination Case

From here:

The Christian owners of a seaside guesthouse acted unlawfully by refusing to let a gay couple share a double bed, a judge has ruled in a landmark case.

Peter and Hazelmary Bull did not allow civil partners Martyn Hall and Steven Preddy to use a double room in their Cornwall B&B because it would be “an affront to their faith”.

However, a judge at Bristol County Court said the couple were breaking the law by denying the men a room.

Mr Hall and Mr Preddy were each awarded £1,800 in damages.

So how will this affect Christian B&B owners – before all Christians are driven out of the UK, of course?

Like this:

Anglican Church considers “baptism lite”

From here:

Church of England baptism services may be re-written to remove some references to Christianity.

The plan for a new ‘baptism lite’ service designed to make christenings more interesting to non-churchgoers will be considered next month by the Church’s parliament, the General Synod.

Supporters say the baptism service should be ‘expressed in culturally appropriate and accessible language’ that is readily understood by ‘non-theologically versed Britons’.
But traditionalist clergy said the idea amounted to ‘dumbing down’.

The new service would be used at 150,000 christenings each year. If the plan is accepted, it will be the third full re-write of the baptism ceremony in around 30 years – the version in the Church’s Book of Common Prayer went virtually unaltered for more than 400 years until 1980.

Complaints centre on three sections of the baptism service from the Church’s latest prayer book, Common Worship, authorised for use in 1997.

In one, parents, godparents or an adult being baptised are asked to ‘reject the devil and all rebellion against God’ and to renounce ‘the deceit and corruption of evil’. They are asked to ‘submit to Christ as Lord’.

Next I suppose there will be Salvation Lite, where we can:

Imagine there’s no Heaven
It’s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Oh, sorry, I forgot, the Church of England has already done that.

Saying goodbye

Two of our grandchildren departed with their parents for a new life in Australia this afternoon. My wife and I have six grandchildren: we are especially close to these two.

They left with floods of tears and hugs that didn’t want to let go. I was reminded of a few lines by William Blake:

It is right it should be so;
Man was made for joy and woe;
And when this we rightly know,
Thro’ the world we safely go.

Joy and woe are woven fine,
A clothing for the soul divine.
Under every grief and pine
Runs a joy with silken twine.

Julian Assange: hyper-hypocrisy

Assange is set to plaster details of the banking habits of rich and famous individuals in large letters across the digital sky:

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has vowed to reveal confidential account details of rich and famous individuals he says have evaded taxes after taking delivery of a new dossier from a former Swiss banker.

Whistleblower Rudolf Elmer handed over two CDs filled with data to Mr Assange in London today.

And yet is upset when one of his own leakers tries to out-leak him because, irony of ironies, he has a financial interest in the leaks:

For someone who deals in illicit information, Julian Assange sure gets touchy when people share information against his will…

Now Assange is upset that the Guardian would publish some of the leaked cables without the permission of Wikileaks (ironically, the info had apparently been leaked by a Wikileaker!). According to Vanity Fair, “he owned the information and had a financial interest in how and when it was released.”

Therapist faces being struck off for helping gay men go straight

From here:

A psychotherapist faces being struck off after trying to ‘convert’ a homosexual man.

Lesley Pilkington, 60, a  therapist for 20 years, is accused of ‘praying to God’ to ‘heal’ the patient .

Mrs Pilkington, will appear at a landmark disciplinary hearing this week where she faces being stripped of her accreditation to the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

The patient, a homosexual rights campaigner, secretly recorded her controversial treatment at two sessions before reporting her to the association.

A small group of counsellors believe all men are born heterosexual, but some choose a gay lifestyle which can be changed through therapy…….

She treated journalist Patrick Strudwick at her private practice based at her home in Chorleywood, Hertfordshire, after he approached her at a Christian conference.

He recorded the sessions on a tape machine strapped to his stomach. Asked if she viewed homosexuality as a ‘mental illness, an addiction or an anit-religious phenomenon’, she replied: ‘It is all of that’.

In the disciplinary letter sent to her by BACP, she is accused of having an ‘agenda that homosexuality is wrong and that gay people can change and you allegedly attempted to inflict these views on him.’

Mrs Pilkington accused Strudwick of entrapment. She said: ‘He told me was looking for a treatment for being gay.

‘I told him I only work using a Christian biblical framework and he said that was exactly what he wanted.’

Her defence is being funded by the Christian Legal Centre which has instructed a leading religious rights barrister to fight the case.

This is preposterous. The therapist isn’t forcing gay men to come to her: no one is. If gay crusaders have their way, it will become illegal to help gay men who do want to change – and there are some – making it close to compulsory for someone with homosexual inclinations to act them out.