When Donald Trump narrowly avoided an assassin’s bullet last year, many Christians, and Trump himself, ascribed the near miss to providential intervention. Trump’s ear did not go unscathed, but he rarely seems to listen to anything but his own voice, so it didn’t get much productive use anyway.
Unlike Naturalists I don’t view the universe as a closed system. I think it’s perfectly reasonable for an intelligent agent exterior to the natural universe to act on it; so I have no problem accepting that miracles have occurred or that they continue to occur.
MAGA (Make Anglicans Great Also as I like to think of it) enthusiasts hailed Trump’s survival as evidence that God really does want to make America great again. The most obvious problem with this is that America was never great in the first place. Obscenely wealthy, admittedly and that, in TrumpWorld, is much the same thing.
I offer a few possible explanations for what happened.
- The whole thing was simple chance, a matter of physics, Trump’s neurons firing randomly – something that happens a lot – leading him to turn his head at just the right moment.
- God did intervene because He wants Trump to survive. That in itself may be for a number of less than obvious reasons. Trump could be an instrument of divine judgement about to be visited on the West. It could be a precursor to Armageddon. MAGA evangelicals might think it is a precursor to revival, although that seems unlikely since Paula White is Trump’s spiritual advisor. If we are to be optimistic, it could be to protect the unborn, to support Israel, to usher in a new golden age where they shall sit every man under his vine and under his fig tree; and none shall make them afraid. I’m not much given to optimism.
- Satan intervened and turned Trump’s head at just the right moment. Those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome might well subscribe to this view. A variation on this would be that God permitted Satan to intervene or goaded him into it for one of the reasons I mentioned above.
- Shelley was a prophet and Ozymandias was a type of Trump.
I have no idea which of these is the true reason, although I am inclined to the last.
One thing I am sure of though is that, as Tolstoy maintained in War and Peace, the more we think we are in control of our own destiny, the less we actually are. And the more worldly power we wield, the more that applies.