The battle for same-sex marriage is as good as over in the ACoC. For the canons to be changed, it still has to pass the 2019 general synod but that is largely irrelevant since bishops – like Niagara’s Bird – who want to perform same-sex marriages have decided to do so now, voting be damned. As the bishops are quick to point out, there is nothing and no-one to stop them.
Now that’s over, there is new ground to conquer so the Diocese of Toronto has a church that has concocted a sex-change liturgy. And why not? There is nothing and no-one to stop them.
From here (page 10):
Church creates liturgy for gender transition
THE church has always gathered as a community to mark the most important life passages of its members, so when Beck Schaefer, a member of St. Stephen-in-the-Fields, Toronto, legally transitioned from female to male, changing his name and identity documents to reflect a truer sense of his identity, the parish witnessed and blessed the moment.
However, a liturgy for that purpose doesn’t exist in the Anglican Church, so the parish created one. “We understood that this wasn’t a re-baptism,” said the Rev. Maggie Helwig, incumbent. “God always knew who Beck was in his fullness, and received him as himself from the beginning. But we also knew that this was a moment closely tied to the baptismal covenant, and Beck’s growth as a disciple.” The liturgy was modelled on the Anglican Church’s reaffirmation of baptismal vows, but also included an acknowledgement of Beck’s new name and gender identity as a part of his baptismal vocation.
“God created me transgender, and calls me to live openly and authentically,” said Beck at the service. “This is not a solitary path but rather a call that I am to live out in relation to others and as a member of the body of Christ.”
It’s enough to give living out “the baptismal covenant” and “vocation” a bad name.
They say it’s a slippery slope, but this has really been an avalanche.
Will the Anglican churches also create a liturgy for those who, like Rachel Dolezal, are challenging the construct of biological race to reflect a truer sense of their identity? Will Anglicans take a strong stand against (for lack of a better term) trans-race-o-phobia and cis-race-o-normativity?
It really does not matter what the ACoC is now ready to adopt. After all, it has completely rejected both the authority of Scripture and the uniqueness of Jesus Christ and with apostate so-called bishops such as the primate holding office it will continue down into the abyss of heresy and apostasy. All clergy who wish to remain true to the Gospel should immediately bring their parishes and/or dioceses into the ACNA. At a minimum ALL genuine Christians should immediately cease making any contribution of any kind to the ACoC.
Because it’s 2016 !!
Yes, indeed, it is 2016 but the authority of Scripture and the uniqueness of Jesus Christ are still the two pillars to show true orthodox Christians. The authority of God’s word is NOT subject to time or the opinions of apostate bishops, churches or any decisions made by civil governments.
I would suggest throwing rose petals instead of rice..